Best collection April fool sms jokes text message quotes in English Hindi, with gif animated images picture photo wallpaper

A – U r Attractive
B – U r the Best
C – U r Cute
D – U r Dear 2 Me
E – U r Excellent
F – U r Funny
G – U r Good-Looking
H – hehehe
I – I’m

Best Email April Fool SMS  Message
Plz Open this msg. After 6 days,on Tuesday..
I know u can’t wait, So, CONGRATZ!!
U R D FIRST FOOL OF 2014, APRIL FOOL in advance..

If don't hesitate 


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Best collection April fool sms jokes text message quotes in English Hindi, with gif animated images picture photo wallpaper

Best April Fool's Quotes:

The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being, but to remind him that he is already degraded .

It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly.

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time. ~Abraham Lincoln 


A: Which is the best day to propose a girl?
B: April 1
A: Why?
B:If she accept it's your luck. Otherwise just say, April Fool!

Gulab Ka FOOL bago me khil raha hai,
Chameli ka FOOL chaman me mahek raha hai,
Kamal ka FOOL pani me tair raha hai,
Aur APRIL ka FOOL mera sms padh raha hai.