Great Thoughts in English

Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
Maryon Pearson

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Happiness always looks small
If you hold it in ur hands.
But when u learn to share it,
You will realize how big & precious it is..
Always Be Happy…

A person
who can explain
color to a blind man.
explain everything in life.

Every tear is a sign of
Cutting Onions.
Every Silence is a sing of
Zero balance.
Every smile is a sign of
Daily brushing
Life is so simple Don't make it complex with
difficult explanations

An Easier Way To Deal With Life.

Temple & Churches Are FREE,
Clubs & Bars Are PAID.,But Full...?  
Its Amazing.
"People Ignore To Get FREE Heaven,
But PAY To Get Hell."
Think Twice & Act Wise

"When you're Happy you enjoy the Music,

But When you're Sad, you Understand The Lyrics "